The carnations that make up the Kisses Family are: Pink Kisses, Early Love, Scully, Peach Party and I Love You. They represent the new generation of the Dianthus family, developed by Selecta One and produced with exclusivity in the country by Bio Plugs. Eadch variety represents a special kiss, with delicate colors and charming perfumes.


The Family adapts well to sunny environments, with flowering that can extend up to a year in ideal conditions. In hot weather regions, they should be grown in half shade. In mild weathers, they tolerate direct sunlight exposure all day.

The flowering period lasts up to 4 weeks at indoor environments, shaded and without sunlight, like offices and inside homes! The watering should be done every two days or as its substrate becomes superficially dry. The fertilization should be monthly, with balanced formula products, like 10-10-10 NPK for example.

Special and perfumed flowers in kiss shapes!

In addition to the delicate mold of its petals and its unique traits – its interior has a kiss shape – each variety shows a unique kiss. The variety stands out for its high durability, with delicate colors and charming perfumes, pleasing various audiences. A great option as present!
